sense of taste

英 [sens ɒv teɪst] 美 [sens əv teɪst]



  1. He has a refined sense of taste and is able to tell what spices are used with only one bite.
  2. Once that jacket sleeve creeps up, the sole piece of acceptable jewelry beyond a wedding ring reveals the wearer's sense of taste and occasion.
  3. Our study confirmed that in an environment of loud noise, our sense of taste is compromised, said Robin Dando, assistant professor of food science at Cornell University.
  4. There are already some technologies that attempt to manipulate the sense of taste and smell, such as electrically stimulating the tongue or releasing perfumes to replicate certain smells.
  5. The women might have less initiative and lose interest in eating, they might develop a duller sense of taste and smell, or they might experience an earlier sense of satiety ( feeling full).
  6. Preious academic studies hae suggested that the use of zinc sulfate could help patients regain their sense of taste more quickly after radiation therapy.
  7. I swear it is no exaggeration that tobacco had completely wiped out my sense of taste.
  8. My sense of taste isn't very good; I have a cold.
  9. Another possible cause is that many women experience a heightened sense of taste and smell while pregnant, which can make nausea feel worse when unpleasant or strong odours are around.
  10. I've got a cold, so I've lost my sense of taste.
  11. The fact is: America â s obsession with meat and dairy has pretty much destroyed our sense of taste.
  12. The influences on PTC taste genetype to the bitter and astringent vegetable sense of taste ability
  13. The aim of this work was to investigate the starch gel texture that influenced the mechanical or rheological sense of taste of the starch gel foods.
  14. Twilight of the setting sun is so warm, stunning yellow in the sense of taste!
  15. Whether from materials, colors, decorations or savor are unique in the integration of traditional process with modern taste to wake up your sleeping sense of taste.
  16. Usually people obtain the sense perception of food by sense of taste.
  17. It lets you experience a different sense of taste and environment excitement.
  18. Two people love always dressed just a romantic, marriage and the care of an apple, a cup of warm tea is more romantic than a sense of taste.
  19. Through a case study of correspondence, in which auditory sense is presented by description of sense of taste, the author points out the importance of sense of taste in traditional Chinese culture.
  20. That's a problem, because space alters an astronaut's sense of taste and smell.
  21. Bouquet-The odour or perfume of fine wine appreciated by the sense of smell as opposed to seve, which is aroma appreciated by the sense of taste.
  22. The need to satisfy the sense of taste may be innate and important.
  23. When I have a cold, I lose my sense of taste.
  24. Dessert delicious, stage singing voice of female foreigners slowly, enough to meet my sense of taste and vision, and then to forget the inner peace dust.
  25. But researching on the sense of flavor and words related to it in terms of linguistics, that is to say, carrying on a research of sense of taste from the point of linguistics is still a gap in the field of culture linguistics at present.
  26. The other is to examine the unique culture of Chinese nationality through Chinese sense of taste words.
  27. Second, carrying on the research on Chinese sense of taste words in terms of culture, expanding the research field of culture linguistics and enriching the research results of it.
  28. Sense of Taste and Chinese Classic Aesthetics
  29. The virtual reality system is a virtual environment that is created by the computer and provide various sense stimulate ( sense of vision, sense of hearing, touch even includes sense of smell and sense of taste) for the people at first.
  30. Chinese sense of taste words 'association meaning also can reflect the unique culture of Chinese nationality.



  1. the faculty of distinguishing sweet, sour, bitter, and salty properties in the mouth
    1. his cold deprived him of his sense of taste

    Synonym:    tastegustationgustatory modality